Year 2024

This blog post is my twelfth yearly reflection. The three previous reflections can be found here: 2023, 2022, 2021.

I’m a bit late writing this one, as it’s already past the middle of January. There’s no reason for this lateness, but it’s been part of my general trend of writing fewer blog posts. However, I think I was writing more long-form in 2024 than in 2023, with my writing moving to other places (e.g. internal work Slack channels).

Here are some of the things that happened during 2024 in my life, in no particular order:

2024 is over. It was an incredible year for me personally, and 2025 is bound to be a pivotal year in my life. While it would be easy to focus on the negatives, quite a few good things are happening in the world. Greenhouse emissions shrank in EU, experts believe that China’s emissions have peaked (China is currently building almost twice as much wind and solar as the rest of the world combined), EV sales are accelerating across the globe, significant progress on all kinds of medical research and vaccines, and global child deaths reached a historic low. I remain optimistic about the world and humanity’s ability to tackle the challenges we’re facing. Off to 2025.